Shaking My Tail Feathers!

This fall, I’m excited to announce that I’ll be joining the faculty as a lecturer in the Charles H. Sandage Department of Advertising at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign.

This new opportunity will be in addition to my work as chief strategist at the Strategic Peacock as my lecturer-ship takes on a more practitioner role so that I can share my experiences as a marketer with my students. Unlike my previous online adjunct faculty roles, this lecturer position is in the classroom!

My partner, dog and I have already relocated and we’re settling into our new neighborhood. I’m truly excited to start this new adventure! I want to extend a HUGE thank you to my amazing clients for their unwavering support as I take on this additional responsibility.

To all my fellow teachers getting ready for the new school year, I wish you an amazing year ahead!

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